The Eggtion Shaderpack vol.01 is a collection of 30 procedural shaders for C4D R10+, that means there are no textures needed, the shaders are fully scalable without worrying about the pixel count and they all work without adjustment per uvw-mapping.
Terms of Use
We don’t like it, but you know, the world is like a shark tank:
The data and files provided have been reviewed with great care and are believed to be accurate. Regardless, Eggtion assumes no liability and warranty for correctness, completeness and quality of the provided files. Use at one’s own risk. Eggtion assumes no responsibility for any problems or damage which may result from the use of the files provided.
Distribution,selling and editing of the files need permission of the author.
To install, simply place the “eggtion shader pack vol.01.lib4d” into your C4D folder under “library/browser”. After restarting C4D, you’ll find the shaders in the “Content Browser” presets (Shift+F8).