AL’ 1.2

align plugin for Cinema4D R20+

AL’ stands for “ALign thEM in python” and is a plugin for Cinema4D R20+, that helps to align objects.
Free for private and commercial projects.

Terms of Use

We don’t like it, but you know, the world is like a shark tank:
The data and files provided have been reviewed with great care and are believed to be accurate. Regardless, Eggtion assumes no liability and warranty for correctness, completeness and quality of the provided files. Use at one’s own risk. Eggtion assumes no responsibility for any problems or damage which may result from the use of the files provided.
Distribution,selling and editing of the files need permission of the author.


Unzip and copy the folder ALEMpy into the Cinema4D plugins-folder. After that, restart Cinema4D. You’ll find AL’ at Plugins.  


The target objects will be aligned to the “Align at”- object.
If an object is selected before starting AL’EMpy, it will be used as a source object.
Via drag’n’drop into the entire AL’EMpy-window a new source object can be defined.  

Source options menu


Source will be deleted.

First selected

The first object of the current selection becomes the source.

Last selected

The last object of the current selection becomes the source. 


The source object is selected in the object manager.

Global / Local

The target objects are aligned in the global or local coordination system of the souce object.


In modus ‘local’ the taget object is set to the rotation of the target object.


Using sequence the target objects become source objects one after another, that means they align to each other successively. 


Inverts the order of the target objects. 


Sets preview images of the alignments on or off. 

Target aligment

Here you define where at x, y or z of the source object the target objects will be aligned.


The target object are aligned at the source object’s axis.


The target objects are aligned at the source object’s center.


The target objects are aligned at the source object’s minimum.


The target objects are aligned at the source object’s maximum.

Target alignment options menu

Sets x, y and y alignment to axis, center, minimum or maximum.

Target alignment

Here you select, where at x, y the target objects will be aligned to the source.

The target object won’t be aligned.


The axis of the target objects will be aligned to the source.


The center of the target objects will be aligned to the source.


The minimum of the target objects will be aligned to the source.


The maximum of the target objects will be aligned to the source.


The target object will be manually aligned to the source.

Target alignment options menu

Sets x, y and z alignment to axis, center, minimum, maximum or manually.


When having a manual target, the value is set here. 

Manually options menu

Set to null

Sets all values to 0.


Sets the manual values to the biggest target object.


Sets the manual values to the smallest target object.


The value you define here is set between the target objects.

Distance options menu

Set to null sets all distance values to 0. 


Starts the alignment.


Leads to this help file.